CORRUPTION COVER-UP! Why NACC Commissioner Paul Brereton Should Resign Over Robodebt Debacle

Paul Brereton must resign as National Anti-Corruption Commissioner. Under his leadership, the NACC’s refusal to investigate the Robodebt scandal is a betrayal of justice, exposing deep-rooted corruption and the farcical “game of mates” in Australian politics that extends all the way to the top. Serkan Öztürk with this view.

Should Paul Brereton resign as National Anti-Corruption Commissioner? The answer is a resounding yes.

Under his leadership, the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) has failed its mandate spectacularly, culminating in its incomprehensible decision not to investigate the officials responsible for the Robodebt scandal.

This disgraceful choice underscores the pervasive rot in Australia’s political system and reveals the NACC as a toothless entity complicit in the corruption it was meant to eradicate.

Betrayal of Trust

Robodebt was a scandal of epic proportions, a policy that unlawfully clawed back $1.7 billion from welfare recipients, driving many to despair and even suicide.

The Royal Commission into Robodebt laid bare the scheme’s illegality and cruelty, highlighting the profound human suffering it caused.

Yet, despite these damning findings, the NACC, under Brereton’s watch, decided that investigating the architects of this scheme “would not add value in the public interest.”

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This is not just a misstep; it is a betrayal. The victims of Robodebt and the Australian public were promised accountability and justice. Instead, they have received nothing but contempt and obfuscation.

Deafening Silence

True News Weekly this week sent a series of pointed questions to the NACC, all of which remain unanswered.

We asked if Commissioner Brereton would tender his resignation given the collapse of public trust in the NACC.

We also inquired if the NACC would release all the names in the sealed section of the Royal Commission’s report that were referred for further investigation, names that the public has a right to know.

The silence from Brereton and the NACC is deafening and speaks volumes about their commitment to transparency, or lack thereof.

Mockery of Justice

The NACC’s claim that it is more important to “focus on ensuring lessons [are] learnt” rather than securing justice is not just weak; it is an outright mockery. Without accountability, lessons are meaningless. This decision shows that the NACC, far from being a watchdog, has become a lapdog, protecting the very individuals it should be investigating.

The NACC’s refusal to pursue high-profile cases like Robodebt, combined with its tendency to hold hearings in private, has rendered it a facilitator of corruption rather than a battler against it.

This is compounded by Brereton’s personal connections to military mates like Kathryn Campbell, a key player in the Robodebt scheme, and Governor General David Hurley who he earlier failed to investigate for war crimes, raising serious questions about conflicts of interest and impartiality.

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Adding insult to injury, the NACC has conveniently cited ongoing investigations by other bodies as a reason for not pursuing Robodebt perpetrators. However, this is nothing more than a get-out-of-jail-free card. Many of the 16 individuals named in the Robodebt Commission’s Report have already left the public service, rendering the Australian Public Service Commission (APSC) investigation toothless as well.

For instance, Kathryn Campbell, the former Secretary of the Human Services Department, was heavily criticised during the Royal Commission. After her role in the department, she was promoted to Secretary of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade by the Coalition government. Post-2022 election, she took on a senior advisory role within Defence on the AUKUS submarine project, only to be suspended and resign following the release of the Royal Commission’s final report.

The Game of Mates

Australia’s political system is entrenched in a “game of mates,” where the powerful protect their own while the vulnerable suffer. The Labor and Liberal/National parties have long engaged in a corrupt quid pro quo, shielding each other from scrutiny and perpetuating a culture of impunity.

The NACC, under Brereton, has now firmly positioned itself as part of this corrupt machinery.

The decision to not investigate Robodebt is a glaring example of this systemic corruption. By refusing to hold the responsible officials accountable, the NACC has shown it is not a beacon of integrity but a bulwark for the corrupt.

This is unacceptable in a truly democratic society.

A Call for Resignation

Paul Brereton must resign immediately. His leadership has been a catastrophic failure, and his continued presence undermines the very purpose of the NACC. The Australian public deserves a National Anti-Corruption Commission that is fearless, independent, and committed to justice. Brereton’s resignation is a necessary first step towards restoring the integrity of the NACC.

Furthermore, the names in the sealed section of the Royal Commission’s report must be released. The public has a right to know who was involved in the Robodebt scandal and to see them held accountable. This is essential for rebuilding trust in our institutions.

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Australia is at a critical juncture. We can either continue down the path of corruption and impunity, or we can demand real change. The NACC was supposed to be a cornerstone of that change, but under Paul Brereton, it has become an obstacle. It is time for Brereton to step down and for the NACC to be reformed into the powerful, independent body it was meant to be.

The victims of Robodebt, and all Australians, deserve justice. They deserve a government that is transparent and accountable. They deserve a National Anti-Corruption Commission that will fight for them, not for the powerful interests it is supposed to police.

It’s time for action, it’s time for accountability, and it’s time for Paul Brereton to resign.

About Serkan Öztürk 217 Articles
Serkan Öztürk is the publisher of True News Weekly. He is an investigative journalist and editor with a colourful career spanning across print, online, radio and television. He has had his journalism previously featured by leading international broadcasters and media outlets such as Sydney Morning Herald, Crikey, RT News, Ruptly, Australian Doctor, Dopamine Magazine, City Hub and the Star Observer.

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