TOUGH COP BECOMES SOFT DAD FOR COKED-UP SON! Peter Dutton’s Double Standards on Crime as Hypocrisy Over Drugs Comes Home

EXCLUSIVE: Federal Opposition Leader Peter Dutton’s hypocrisy has been laid bare once again as he rushed this week to dismiss his son’s recent flaunting of a bag of cocaine on Snapchat as a “private matter” just three months after he publicly pushed for severe penalties for ‘glamourising’ crime online, including two year prison sentences and two year social media bans. Aisha Hussain reports.

In a glaring display of hypocrisy, Federal Opposition Leader Peter Dutton has been caught in a double standard that raises questions about his integrity and commitment to the laws he so vociferously champions.

Just three months ago, Dutton publicly proposed laws that would criminalise the act of ‘glamourising’ serious crimes on social media, pushing for penalties of up to two years in prison and a two-year social media ban who supposedly ‘post and boast’.

Yet, when his own son, Tom Dutton, was this week found flaunting what appears to be a bag of cocaine on Snapchat, Dutton’s response was markedly different.

The image, reportedly taken at a Gold Coast apartment, shows 18-year-old Tom Dutton holding a clear plastic bag containing a white substance, with the caption “birthday day (sic) treat.”

Tom Dutton and his likely bag of cocaine (Image: Supplied/Snapchat)

The image was purportedly posted to Snapchat by Tom Dutton himself before it was quickly deleted from the social media platform, but not before at least one eagle-eyed observer took a screenshot which has since gone viral.

Despite the substance not being confirmed as drugs, the image undeniably fits the very definition of glamourising crime on social media — a behaviour Peter Dutton condemned in March this year.

“When I was a policeman many years ago, you’d go to a break-and-enter, largely it was someone breaking in to steal goods or money to fuel a drug habit,” Dutton said just three months ago.

Today, we know cars are being stolen and people’s houses are broken into because kids, if they’re part of a gang or a culture, can post an image of a motor vehicle or a designer handbag, or if they’re standing in a bedroom with an elderly lady asleep or cowering behind them, that brings them great kudos online and glamorises their crime.”

In a statement earlier this week though, Peter Dutton’s office described the incident involving his own son as a “private matter,” a stark contrast to his previous stance where he pushed for severe legal repercussions for similar actions.

This inconsistency highlights a troubling trend among privileged individuals, particularly those in positions of power, who seem to apply one set of rules to the general public and another to themselves and their families.

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When True News Weekly reached out to Peter Dutton this week with several pointed questions — asking whether he still supports the proposed laws and if he believes they should apply to his son — we received no response.

The silence speaks volumes about the disparity in Dutton’s public and private positions on law and order.

Dutton’s proposed laws, introduced in a private members bill, aimed to grant the eSafety Commissioner the power to issue takedown orders for content that “glamourises” violence and criminal activity, with new offences to punish those who “post and boast.”

At the time, Dutton argued that these measures were common sense and necessary to curb the increasing trend of using social media for criminal notoriety.

Peter Dutton’s tough comments about ‘glamourising’ crimes online just three months ago (Image: Supplied/ABC)

Yet, this tough rhetoric rings hollow in light of his son’s actions. Dutton, who often touts his background as a police officer dealing with serious crimes, has previously used his platform to criticise permissive drug laws and promote a hardline approach to crime.

His dismissal of his son’s behaviour as a “private matter for the Dutton family” not only undermines his credibility but also reveals a deep-seated hypocrisy in his approach to justice.

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The incident serves as a stark reminder that for the privileged and powerful, the rules often don’t apply in the same way.

Peter Dutton’s reluctance to address his son’s actions under the same scrutiny he demands for others is a clear indicator of a double standard that erodes public trust in our leaders and their commitment to fairness and equality under the law.

Readers can however rest assured that unlike the fickle and feeble corporate media True News Weekly will continue to seek accountability from our political leaders and ensure that their actions align with their words.

About Aisha Hussain 17 Articles
Aisha Hussain is a Western Sydney-based journalist with True News Weekly, specialising in local news, cultural events and social issues. She also covers law, crime, AI, politics, and pop culture, aiming to always deliver passionate and insightful reporting.

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