WHAT A DOPE! All the dumb & hypocritical things shock jock Ray Hadley said about drugs and his disgraced copper son before shocker cocaine arrest

EXCLUSIVE: The police officer son of the right-wing, anti-drugs shock jock, Ray Hadley, has resigned in disgrace after allegedly being caught in possession of cocaine at a western Sydney pub following a months-long sting by the force's internal anti-corruption squad. True Crime News Weekly publisher, Serkan Ozturk, takes a closer look at the radio loudmouth's hypocritical stance on drugs, and the "battling" son he has previously told a Prime Minister was his "in" with the New South Wales Police Force when it came to drugs.



About Serkan Öztürk 214 Articles
Serkan Öztürk is the publisher of True News Weekly. He is an investigative journalist and editor with a colourful career spanning across print, online, radio and television. He has had his journalism previously featured by leading international broadcasters and media outlets such as Sydney Morning Herald, Crikey, RT News, Ruptly, Australian Doctor, Dopamine Magazine, City Hub and the Star Observer.